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Dubious Benevolence: The Holocaust and the Extreme Right in France and Italy


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Discussion: David Feldman, Gilbert Achcar, Diana Pinto

Saturday, Jun 11, 2022, 3:45 PM

Diana Pinto

Dubious Benevolence: The Holocaust and the Extreme Right in France and Italy

What are we to make of Holocaust remembrance and commemoration by Europe’s extreme rights in today’s topsy-turvy world? Who is hijacking whom? Does it still make sense to view the Holocaust in terms of left-right wing divides? What is one to make of Jewish (and Israeli) support for these illiberal movements? On these counts, France and Italy offer two interesting examples of how the extreme rights have “adopted” generic Holocaust commemoration while still honoring their fascist ancestors and pursuing their own present-day racist programs. In their use of shocking equivalences, their rereading of the fate of the Jews in World War II, they can be seen as precursors for Putin’s own “anti-Nazi” war against Ukraine, one of the most sensitive territories in which the Holocaust unfolded.

Diana Pinto studied at Harvard University and is a historian and writer. She is interested in multiple identities in pan-European pluralist contexts. She is co-founder of the Moscow School of Political Studies and a former consultant to the Council of Europe on civil society in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. She is the author of Israel Has Moved (2013).

The event will be held in English