Donnerstag, 20.2. – Freitag, 21.2.2025

BRICS Postcolonialism

Also streamed Live via Zoom. Please register here for
Thursday, February 20
Friday, February 21

Conception: Benjamin Zachariah, Potsdam
With Francisco Bosco, Rio de Janeiro; Ali Fathollah-Nejad, Berlin; Bodhisattva Kar, Cape Town; Joachim Kurtz, Heidelberg; Anastasia Piliavsky, London; Dhruv Raina, Delhi

What happens to a dissenting framework of thinking when it becomes the official ideology of states? The appropriation of postcolonial theory as a form of national self-legitimation is now a widespread practice. The BRICS group of countries provides a cluster of such examples. One can argue that there isn’t a right or wrong postcolonialism or decoloniality, only various instrumentalisations that are flexible and reusable. Is this set of usages implicit in the logic of post- or decolonial thinking, or can it be seen as distortion or misuse?

Veranstaltung in englischer Sprache mit deutscher Simultanübersetzung (vor Ort auch über eigene Kopfhörer und Handy).


20th February

Opening Remarks
Benjamin Zachariah (Potsdam)

Ali Fathollah-Nejad (Berlin)
The Authoritarians’ Abuse of Anti-Colonialism: The Case of the Islamic Republic of Iran from 1979 to BRICS+

21st February
Bodhisattva Kar (Cape Town)
Six Theses on Decoloniality

Anastasia Piliavsky (London)
‘Decolonisation’ as Ukraine’s suicidal culture war

Francisco Bosco (Rio de Janeiro)
Decolonizing Brazil, Tense Multiculturalism, and Histories Unaccounted For

Joachim Kurtz (Heidelberg)
Decolonizing Hong Kong: Competing Adaptations of a Global Paradigm

Dhruv Raina (Delhi)
‘Other Knowledge Systems’: The Challenges for the Contemporary University

Closing discussion