Aziz Al-Azmeh
The Enlightenment: Singular and Global
The talk will consider the global contests between Enlightenment and anti-Enlightenment, and address claims to incommensurable individuality attributed to
the histories of Europe and the rest in terms of these contests. It will illustrate the substantive claims it makes with reference to specific histories, and assess
issues raised by postcolonialist and postmodernist moods.
Aziz Al-Azmeh is professor emeritus of history at the Central European University, Vienna. Among his books in English are Islams and Modernities (1993, engl. 2009) (also available in two German translations), Secularism in the Arab World (1992, engl. 2020), and The Emergence of Islam in Late Antiquity (2014). He is currently completing a book on the universal history of irreligion.
Vortrag im Rahmen der Tagung Enlightenment in the World
Lecture at the conference Enlightenment in the World