Pete Jones
Makro Money. Der schöne Schein
Photographs from Pete Jones, Frankfurt/Main
October 22, 2019 – February 11, 2020
Banknotes are the central focus of the series `Makro Money` created by artist Pete Jones. Employing a special technique to photograph the notes he creates poetic images that refocus the viewer’s attention and reinterpret the meaning of money. In his travels through the world, he looks at what ‘s behind the money.
“To consider money purely in economic terms is – in my opinion – too narrow a view.”
MAKRO MONEY brings things to light that you do not notice in everyday contact with the banknotes. Tiny details, exotic landscapes, political and historical events, important personalities, kings and despots or colorful fish. Through his unprecedented way of looking at banknotes his work can take us on historical journeys to places which no longer exist, show us magical juxtapositions in nature and culture and highlight the multifaceted beauty of money.
“… regardless of whether people live in a democracy, a dictatorship, in socialism or capitalism – and regardless of which religion they exercise, everything is traded and paid for with money. This thought made me begin to look more closely at world paper money and to photograph it.“
MAKRO MONEY is a major project of The Jones Collection. Pete Jones shows his works with
book projects, websites, exhibitions and for private collectors he produces original prints in small limited editions.
Warm welcome to the world of `MAKRO MONEY – THE BEAUTIFUL APPEARENCE`.
DIE SAMMLUNG JONES | www.makromoney.de | www.petejones.de